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RegisterObject creates a Relationship within a Policy.

The Owner has complete control over the set of subjects that are related to their Object,

giving them autonomy to share the object and revoke acces to the object,

much like owners in a Discretionary Access Control model.

Attempting to register a previously registered Object is an error, Object IDs are therefore assumed to be unique within a Policy.

Request Body REQUIRED
creator string
policy_id string
object object

Object represents an entity which must be access controlled within a Policy.

resource string
id string
creation_time date-time

A successful response.

result RegistrationResult encodes the possible result set from Registering an Object OPTIONAL

Possible values: [NoOp, Registered, Unarchived]

  • NoOp: NoOp indicates no action was take. The operation failed or the Object already existed and was active
  • Registered: Registered indicates the Object was sucessfuly registered to the Actor.
  • Unarchived: Unarchived indicates that a previously deleted Object is active again. Only the original owners can Unarchive an object.

An unexpected error response.

code int32 OPTIONAL
message string OPTIONAL
details object[] OPTIONAL